
Linny-R is an executable graphical specification language for (mixed integer) linear programming (MILP) problems, especially unit commitment problems (UCP), developed by Pieter Bots at Delft University of Technology. Originally implemented in Delphi Pascal, it has been redeveloped in JavaScript so as to be platform-independent.

Since October 2022, the software is available on GitHub under the MIT public license.
The easiest way to install it on your own computer is via npm as explained on

You can try out Linny-R on this improvised TU Delft server. Note that this server imposes restrictions on solver time and the total number of blocks it will solve per run. If you install Linny-R on your own machine, no such restrictions apply.

The software is in development. Relatively new features (see version history on GitHub) typically have not been tested well yet. Known issues are listed here, and please do consult the trouble shooting guide before you report an apparent bug.

Pending a new release via npm, the newest files can be downloaded from GitHub.

The software development roadmap can be found here. Ease-of-use will always remain the leading principle in development.

Local installations of Linny-R automatically check for updates, and facilitate their installation.

Documentation for Linny-R is still scant, but it is growing. The official documentation site is You can contribute topics yourself (in "wiki fashion").

Last updated on 1 July 2023